Core Team / Catechist Recommendation

Not sure if a person is ready to serve?  Training and formation is provided for all roles!

Thanks for taking the time to recommend someone who might be a good fit for one of our youth formation teams!  Someone from the respective ministries will follow up with the person you recommend to share more about each role and next steps.

Life Teen / Edge - Deepa Duran

Elementary Faith Formation [K-5] - Gerry Barnett

We have 3 different Core Team / Catechist areas in youth formation:

1.  Edge/Life Teen -- These teams work with middle school or high school youth.  These Core members engage in an abundance of relational ministry, including small group discussions, sharing meals, and playing games.  Edge meets primarily on Wednesday evenings and Life Teen on Sunday evenings.  Both ministries include overnight and/or out of town retreat components. 

2. Elementary Faith Formation [K-5] -- This team serves Kindergarten-5th grade youth in breaking open the Catholic faith for the children at weekly Sunday afternoon faith formation classes.  This ministry includes Vacation Bible School held during the summer.

3. Sacrament Preparation -- This team serves the youth who are preparing for sacraments of initiation and their parents who accompany them on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis for formation on Tuesday evenings.

Name of the Person You Recommend



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