Elementary Sacrament Preparation [2nd - 5th grade]


Sacrament Preparation for Elementary

 “Jesus said to him, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” - (John 14:6).

At the Heart of everything we do as Catholics is a Person; the Person of Jesus Christ. Through the faithful reception of the Sacraments we encounter Christ in an intimate and powerful way. Here at St. Helen’s Catholic community, we are dedicated to preparing people of all ages for these sacred meetings with the Creator. We do this through our Faith Formation programs. In addition to Faith Formation, those students who are eligible to seek the Sacraments will be enrolled in the two-year Sacrament preparation program.

What is Sacrament Preparation? 
Duration of the program – Catechesis is a matter of conversion, it should not be looked at as a set number of steps that one takes, or a number of facts that one memorizes, but a lasting relationship that one enters into with the Lord. In accordance with the diocese of Phoenix we implement a two-year program for the elementary students who are receiving the Sacraments of: Reconciliation,  Confirmation and first Communion. In the first year of Sacrament preparation year, the student will be prepared for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  In the second year, the student will be prepared for the reception of the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist.

Children who are in 2nd grade & have received the Sacrament of Baptism, the sacrament preparation classes will be held within their weekly Faith Formation.
Also, 3rd grade students who have completed their 2nd grade sacrament preparation classes will then prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation within their weekly Faith Formation classes.  
There are no added Fees for “in order students” because their Faith Formation and Sacrament Preparation takes place on one day of the week.

2nd Grade
(child is baptized)
2024-2025 - 2nd grade for Sundays

3rd Grade (child is baptized & completed Reconciliation in 2024)
2024-2025  - 3rd grade for Sundays

Children in 3rd-5th grade who are either unbaptized or have received the Sacrament of  Baptism, their 1st year preparation classes will be held outside of their weekly Faith Formation (additional weekday. 3rd-5th grade: 5:30-7pm).
After having completed their 1st year preparation classes,  the student will then prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation, which will be held outside of their weekly Faith Formation (Tuesday nights.)  
There is an additional $50 fee for “out of order students” because their Faith Formation and Sacrament Preparation takes place on two different days of the week.

3rd-5th Grade Reconciliation
(child is un/baptized)

4th-5th Grade Confirmation/1st Eucharist (child is un/baptized & completed Reconciliation Prep in Spring 2024)

If your child already has their Sacraments (or are not ready for Sacramental Preparation yet), we invite you to enroll him/her into Elementary Faith Formation. 

If you have questions about Elementary Sacrament Prep, please contact Gerry Barnett [623-500-3216 or gbarnett@sthelenglendale.org]