Did You Know?
There are a lot of questions that come up about this parish and 99% of them are just from a lack of knowledge on how the Church operates. Let's walk through the top 11 most asked questions:
1. What are our parish boundaries here at St. Helen?
West-East from 67th Ave to 43rd Ave and North-South between Sweetwater Ave and Alice Ave.
2. What does that mean?
Registered or not, Catholic or not, every soul in those boundaries is the responsibility of our Pastor, Fr. John. That's a lot of souls!
3. What if we are registered, but not within the boundaries?
You and your family also become Fr. John's responsibility for as long as you're active in the parish.
4. What does the phrase "active in the parish" mean?
It means you're attending Masses and are an active member of our community. This applies to everyone registered, whether you are or are not living within the parish boundaries. With over 900 families, you can imagine how difficult that is to track.
5. So, how does St. Helen (& other parishes) track active parishioners?
Primarily through the collection basket (in-person or digitally through online giving).
6. I thought the offertory was just about getting money?
Tithing (financially supporting) to our parish is very important, in order, for us to thrive, but you can give without putting your name on it.
Our offertory envelopes have two purposes: one is to be able to provide you with a tax document for charitable giving every year and the second is for parishioner attendance.
7. But what if we're going to Mass and tithing, but not using St. Helen envelopes?
Whether you're tithing or not, you can drop your empty offertory envelope in the basket. Or even just a paper with your name and address on it. This shows your participation.
8. Are you sure this isn't just a tactic to make sure we're giving money to the church?
Yes! We are responsible for giving you encounters to see, know, love, and serve our God. Tithing is not a tax. We will never send a letter or call you demanding you give more or saying you didn't give enough.
How much you tithe is between you and the Lord. Charity can never be forced; or it ceases to be charity.
9. Why does knowing we're activily participating matter to you?
First off, we care about each of you, and your souls are Fr. John's responsibility.
It also helps us to know where to allocate our finances within the parish. But mostly, for Sacramental purposes!
10. Wait! So, how does that work?
For example, if your niece from Indiana asks you to be her sponsor for Confirmation, and she needs a letter stating you are in good standing at your parish (having received all of your sacraments of initiation and being an active member), then this is actually the only way a parish can vouch for you.
11. So, how can I help the parish office?
Make sure you're registered here at St. Helen.
Make sure the information we have is correct. You can update us by dropping a notecard with your name and address in the basket at Mass or contacting the office.
Tithe with offertory envelopes (or online giving).
If you are going to move or switch parishes, please let the office know.